The Hermanns tortoise (and many other species) is an endangered in its natural state. For many years the wild populations were plundered and destroyed by the pet industry. In 1984 a law was introduced banning the removal of wild specimens from their natural habitat. A system of commercial certification was introduced by Cities where by each specimen is certificated from the time of hatching , to prove that the specimen was bred in captivity and not stolen from the wild. Initially the certificate covered the tortoise until it had an SCL (straight carapace length) of 100mm. At this point, for commercial purposes, the tortoise must then be microchipped and re registered with their new certificate bearing the microchip number.
In 2012 the law changed. The new legislation states that any tortoise more than 60mm SCL must now be microchipped and re registered.
I am of the opinion that this change in legislation is barbaric. It serves with no benefit to the species whatsoever and in fact has done more harm than good. It has resulted in unnecessary pain and suffering to our shelled friends and also it has encouraged some "breeders" to sell hatchlings that are way too young and undeveloped to thrive comfortably, in their desire to escape the cost of microchipping and re registration.